Friday, March 26, 2010

Philippians 2:1-11 - The Seven Steps of Humiliation and The Seven Steps of Exaltation

It was Spring Break this week and Bella, Beckett and I had a chance to tromp around Forest Park near Portland. It reminded me once again of the days I attended Portland State and the time spent outdoors even in a big city. We came across a staircase that seemingly led up to the sun...

In his exposition of Philippians 2:1-11, J. Vernon McGee describes the seven steps of humiliation of Christ and the seven steps of exaltation of Christ.

First, the seven steps downward:

1. Christ left heaven's glory.
2. Christ emptied himself. (Php 2:7a)
3. Jesus came to earth as a servant. (Php 2:7b)
4. Jesus was made in the likeness of men. (Php 2:7c)
5. Christ humbled Himself. (Php 2:8a)
6. Christ became obedient to death. (Php 2:8b)
7. Even death on a cross. (Php 2:8c)

Next, the seven steps upward:

1. God highly exalted Christ. (Php 2:9a)
2. God gave Christ the name above every name. (Php 2:9b)
3. "at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow" - Jesus meaning "Savior" (Php 2:10)
4. Things in heaven shall bow. (Php 2:10b)
5. Things on earth shall bow. (Php 2:10c)
6. Things under the earth the earth. (Php 2:10d)
7. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Php 2:11)

1 comment:

  1. Great picture! This will make for a great visual for this Sunday's lesson. Thanks!
