Thursday, April 1, 2010

Keep it in Context

One of the nice things about studying and teaching through the Scriptures verse by verse is that it can be easier to keep the passage in its context.

This week we are in Galatians 2:17-21 (instead of Philippians), so we will need to spend a bit of extra time this week understanding the passage's context.

Here are some of my background notes.  We would all greatly benefit if you could share yours as well  (just hit the comment link below, if you are reading this on email you will need to go to first):
  • Paul's earliest letter (around 49AD)
  • Written to address the false doctrine of the Judaizers
  • "Like Romans, it explores the relationship of the Mosaic Law to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and, like Romans, concludes that Law was temporary." (The Teacher's Commentary)

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