Monday, March 22, 2010

Quarter Point Curriculum Update Meeting Notes

Present: Torrey Lewis, Nell Noah, Jean Gard, Patti Ramos, John Sutton, Dee Sutton, Howard Saxton, Fran Saxton

1. MacArthur Commentary
    a. Howard and Nell have purchased and have enjoyed it.
    b. Nell brought into class and has been able to read sections of the commentary during class time to bring out a point.

2. Video / Visual aspect
    a. Jean has attempted to use it, but has had technical difficulties
        i. Worked the first week, but didn’t work today. AR Torrey – investigate issues
    b. Nell and John offered their TVs for use for the Easter Tree Children’s Worship.
    c. Howard no need to start announcement DVD on Sunday mornings

3. Learner “Guide”
    a. Students have lacked the opportunity to utilize their own study guides. This is a concern as the ability for a student to easily study the week’s section of Scripture has lessened.
    b. The Quarterlies were in consistent use in several of the classes in previous quarters.
    c. Concern expressed about people not getting the “BBC Word for The Week” in the bulletin. Patti said that they are being inserted into the bulletin. Torrey checked with Carroll asking Greeters to double check as they hand out the bulletins.
    d. Fran requested a list of websites that students in their class could utilize for personal study. AR Torrey - Torrey to get list from Jean Gard and printout for Fran.

4. Lack of audio resource for vision impaired students
    a. Two students were making active use of these resources prior and do not have access with the current curriculum.

April 17th is the Quarterly Team Huddle – 4-7pm
    4-5:15pm – Position Meeting with Primary Teams
         Teacher / Class Coordinators
         Fellowship Coordinator
         Care Coordinator
         Discipleship Coordinator
         Mission Coordinator
    5:15pm-5:45pm – Potluck Meal in Fellowship Hall with Life Group class meeting to follow (could eat and meet at the same time)
    5:45pm-7pm – Life Group Class Meeting time

April 24th – Life Group teacher training. Torrey to request funds from Stewardship Team to help cover cost. Note, this is a time conflict with the Beth Moore simulcast.

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