Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Feeding of the 5,000 and a link to Elisha

I noticed something interesting as I read through Mark 6:35-38 last night. There was a cross-reference to 2 Kings 4:42-44.

In the 2 Kings passage Elisha is involved in the feeding of 100 men, a similar miracle to the feeding of the 5,000 in our passage for the week. In Elisha's case 100 men were fed with 20 loaves of barley bread and there was some left over. In our passage for this week, 5,000 were fed from 5 loaves and 2 fish.

I thought it was interesting how the Old Testament passage had a similar miracle to the New Testament passage. However, the NT passage is a much greater miracle in terms of numbers...

What are your thoughts?

Click on the "comments" below and post a reply. This could be a great way for us to share our thoughts on a passage throughout the week as we study.


  1. Check out one of the focus passages for next week: Mark 8:27-30. This is the passage where Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ. (i.e. Jesus says: "Who do people say that I am?")

    For people familiar with the OT during Jesus' time, they may have related Jesus miracle feeding of the 5,000 to the activities of Elisha and determined that he must be a prophet.

  2. I think it is a cool thing to mention to the group/class because most (in our classs at least) do not look up the cross references

  3. p.s. Go ahead and add me to the auto sendout on posts to the threads. why not. thanks, Ted

  4. Good point Ted. Perhaps it could be used as a teaser to introduce the benefit of checking cross references.

  5. p.s. I added you to the auto-send out. :)
