Thursday, February 3, 2011

Quarterly Team Huddle Reminder

Hi Everybody,

Just a quick reminder about the Quarterly Team Huddle this Saturday from 4pm-7pm (potluck dinner) at New Life Baptist Church.

As an added incentive to come to the meeting prepared we will have a "Lightning Round".  This will be a part of the meeting where you (or someone you designate) get to briefly share the highlights of your Life Group over the past 3 months.  It could be anything: new guests, baptisms of class members, transformed lives, a fantastic fellowship, a time of caring, anything that you want to praise God for!

You will want to be sure to invite your class to attend with you.  Remember from Make Your Group Grow, one of the highest indicators of a growing class is involvement.

See you Saturday at 4pm!

In Him,

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