Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mandatory Teacher Meeting - 4pm, Sunday, May 23rd

With the transition from the Ministry Point curriculum back to Lifeway's Explore the Bible there is an open date on Sunday, May 30th.

Everyone teaching an Adult Life Group on Sunday, May 30th, is required to attend an informative meeting on the 23rd to preview the special lesson prepared by the Stewardship Team.  This is an important meeting so that we will be equipped with correct information and how the Scriptures apply to our finances.

See you there!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Torrey.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to Explore the Bible. We're glad to learn you'll be using our book-by-book adult Bible study option. You might want to let your teachers know about a weekly newsletter we produce called Teaching Insights. There is an edition for Explore the Bible that provides help, encouragement, and lesson tips based on the weekly Scriptures. You can sign up here:

    We always welcome feedback on these newsletters. Thanks for giving Teaching Insights a try, and we hope they're useful to you.

    Dan Kassis
    Internet Producer
    LifeWay Sunday School
