Saturday, February 6, 2010

Philipians for next quarter

I had the chance earlier this week to head down to California for a few days to present a paper.  While I always miss Mindy and the kiddos, this trip provided some good time to read God's Word.  I was able to read through both Hebrews and Philippians and I think a study on Philippians would give us a good test run of the Ministry Point curriculum.

One drawback of the Philippians study is that it was originally written in 2001, so we may want to do some of our own legwork to update the video clips and illustrations.  In talking with Debbie at LakePointe, she suggested the following sites:

An additional resource to our church is through the company that we get our video license through:
We'll need to work together to come up with appropriate clips.  Let me know you're interested by replying with a comment below.  Click on the "comments" link below.

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