Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January Sunday School Team Meeting

Some results from our last meeting:

     1. Life Group Job Descriptions
            The LG Job Descriptions and the LG slides can be found to the right.  Do let me know where updates should be made.

     2. Presenting the Life Group Model during the SS hour.
             1/17 2009 - Jean and Nell's class
             Other dates are open so let me know what times work for you.

     3. Re-enlisting Teachers and Enlisting Coordinators
             Let me know what time works for you and we can coordinate.  I'd like to meet individually with each of the teachers first.  If you could plan for about an hour that would give us plenty of time to discuss.

    4. Blog as a communication mechanism
            The automatic emails of posts are very helpful in keeping up to date.  This way you won't have to be constantly checking the blog for updates.

            Let me know if a different email address should be used.

    5. Passing around 10 day Teaching Plan
            I need to find it... :)

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