Tuesday, January 26, 2010

John Piper sermon on Mark 10:32-45

Another John Piper sermon to help go your creative juices flowing.  Here is a sermon from John Piper on Mark 10:32-45.  Search for "Greatness, Humility, Servanthood".  There's even a video if you are so inclined.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Excerpts from Life Group Training - Part 1

Over the next few days I plan to post excerpts from the Life Group training held at Brookwood on October 18, 2009. Here's the first dose! Enjoy!

Reply with comments on the blog-site.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Natural Disaster Lesson

I was perusing around the Extra website from Lifeway and came across this optional lesson:

Ministry In A Natural Disaster Lesson

There are many ways to respond to the Disaster in Haiti.  One of the ways is to give through the International Mission Board or North American Mission Board.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

John Piper sermon on Mark 9:33-37

Here is a sermon by John Piper covering Mark 9:33-37 titled "Receiving Children in Jesus' Name".  Search down for chapter 9.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Adult Curriculum

Here are some things to keep in mind as each of us explore the Adult Curriculum options: 
  1. The Bible is our primary textbook, the curriculum is an aide to the Bible.
  2. All adults will be on the same curriculum. (non-negotiable item) This doesn't preclude special studies such as the new Membership class or any Stewardship emphasis.
  3. Advantages / Disadvantages
  4. Cost impact or savings... Current vs. Future with growth
  5. Curriculum for Sunday morning must be Open. By Open, I mean that anyone could attend on any given Sunday and participate. In contrast to a Closed study, such as Experiencing God or Beth Moore studies, where if you miss the first couple of weeks you won't be able to join.
  6. Does it address needs and is it applicable to our community?
  7. Is the curriculum be suitable for all adults? The youngest Young Adult class up through the Senior Adults.
  8. Any technology issues? (i.e. email delivery, how do the Senior Adults participate in this?)
  9. Curriculum must adhere to the Baptist Faith & Message.  
For now I'd like us to focus on our current Lifeway curriculum and Lake Pointe's curriculum.  This will give us a good start.  Feel free to explore others as well if you would like.
  1. Current Lifeway curriculum (Explore The Bible)
  2. Investigate LakePointe's curriculum (MinistryPoint
Click on "Free Tour" on the left. Each of you will have to register to take the tour. I haven't received any spam as a result, so it seems safe.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Allister Begg sermon for Mark 8:29 and 31

I ran across these two Allister Begg sermons for this week's lesson.  They may be worth a listen.



January Sunday School Team Meeting

Some results from our last meeting:

     1. Life Group Job Descriptions
            The LG Job Descriptions and the LG slides can be found to the right.  Do let me know where updates should be made.

     2. Presenting the Life Group Model during the SS hour.
             1/17 2009 - Jean and Nell's class
             Other dates are open so let me know what times work for you.

     3. Re-enlisting Teachers and Enlisting Coordinators
             Let me know what time works for you and we can coordinate.  I'd like to meet individually with each of the teachers first.  If you could plan for about an hour that would give us plenty of time to discuss.

    4. Blog as a communication mechanism
            The automatic emails of posts are very helpful in keeping up to date.  This way you won't have to be constantly checking the blog for updates.

            Let me know if a different email address should be used.

    5. Passing around 10 day Teaching Plan
            I need to find it... :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Sunday School Potluck - Sunday, January 3rd

For the SS Potluck this weekend, I don't have much for the whole group.  I was planning on talking with the adult leaders about:

  1. The draft of the LG job descriptions as we have them now.
  2. Set up times to present the LG concept (concisely) during the SS hour with each group.
  3. Setup times to re-enlist the teachers and to enlist coordinators.
  4. Talk about using the blog as a communication mechanism.
  5. Pass around the preparing a lesson throughout the week DVD from Randy Tompkins.
Anything else you would like us to chat about?